Data Taxonomy

Ensuring a clear understanding of our data.

Data taxonomy

Ensuring a clear understanding of our data.

Our approach to transparency

As a development institution focused on learning and improvement, we understand the importance of operating transparently. Transparency is a key enabler for achieving our development mission.

We also recognise as a publicly-owned body that the information we publish about our investments, our operations and our governance holds us accountable to a range of stakeholders, including Parliament and the public. By providing accurate and timely information, we can help inform public debate about our effectiveness.

Over the last years we have grown our external reporting. This includes committing to a broad range of voluntary disclosures, including reporting under the Operating Principles for Impact Management, whilst also being subject to the Federal law on the principle of transparency in the administration (LTrans) and Federal Act on Data Protection (SR 235.1).

We strive to increase our level of transparency on an ongoing basis, within the limits of our available resources.


Data and information on our website

We publish data from various sources on our website and update them at different times. There are three main categories of data:

  1. Investment database
  2. Financial data
  3. Impact data

For more comprehensive information and definitions, please refer to the details provided below.

While we have made diligent efforts to ensure the accuracy of the data presented on this website, unless explicitly stated otherwise, it has not undergone auditing and should be interpreted as indicative rather than precise figures. For audited data we refer to the annual Business & Financial Reports.

Certain data is sourced from our investment partners, such as fund managers and financial institutions, and has not been audited or independently verified by SIFEM or any other third party.

There may be instances where information cannot be disclosed due to legal, regulatory, or other constraints.

Please note that we are actively enhancing our information systems, and as a result, the quality of our data may fluctuate, and occasional gaps may occur.

Investment database

We publish information pertaining to the portfolio investments in the investment database.

What’s in scope

Our investment database includes investments active at 31 December 2022, supplemented with all new investment committed since that date. We plan to add historical information about investments matured or exited before 31 December 2022.

Regularity of updates

Information about new commitments is added on an a regular basis. This information is based on the information available at the date of the commitment and is generally not updated thereafter, with the exception of data relating to the investment partner funds’ underlying investees of the funds, and derived data such as geographical locations, which is updated annually (currently as at  31 December 2023)

Portfolio Explorer

Our investments can be filtered by name, type, year of commitment, geography, country, sector, asset class, SDGs and status. 

The investment map is for illustrative purposes only.

Data defintion

Information about our investments and investment partners

Investment reference A public identifier number of the investment.
Status The current status of the investment (committed for signed but not yet disbursed, active after first disbursement occurred and inactive after investment was fully repaid or exited).
Geography The main geographical region where either 1) the fund targets to deploy the proceed of our investment or 2) the financial institution is domiciled. 'Global' is used if more than one region is targeted.
Country The countries where either 1) the fund targets to deploy or has actually deployed the proceed of our investment or 2) the financial institution is domiciled.
Sector The sectors either 1) targeted by fund or 2) "Financial services" for the Financial Institutions, at the time of commitment.
Type Type of investment partner, either investment funds, mainly private equity fund, or financial institutions.
Commitment date The date we committed capital to the investments, generally the date on which legal agreements are signed by all parties.
Amount The total amount committed per investment on the commitment date, in investment currency.
Currency The currency in which the investment was made.
Asset class The asset class of the investment, private equity or private debt.
Instrument The instrument of the investment.
Investment Name Name of the investment partner.
Investment Description Short description of the investment partner.
Investment strategy A short description of the investment strategy of the investment partner.
Investment rationale A short description of the investment rationale for SIFEM to proceed with the investment.
Development rationale A short description of the development rationale for SIFEM to proceed with the investment.
SDGs The SDGs the investment is targeting to contribute to.
Additionality A short description about how the investment contributes to financial and sustainability additionality.
Contribution to strategic objectives A short description of the strategic objectives that the investment targets, as of the date of commitment.

Information about underlying investees financed by our investment partners (funds)

Year The year of the initial investment by the investment partner fund in the underlying investee.
Name The name of the underlying investee, if not subject to non-disclosure agreement (NDA), otherwise anonymized.
Industry The industry in which the underlying investee operates.
Country The country in which the underlying investee is incorporated. Some underlying investees are incorporated in developed countries from which they provide services/products, directly or through subsidiaries, to end clients in emerging and development countries.

Financial data

Our website contains financial information, data and key performance indicators taken from out annual business and financial reports. They updated upon publication of the new report.

Regularity of updates

All our annual business and financial reports are available in our reports section. The last report covers the period ending 31 December 2023)

Main definitions

(Total) Active commitments The current active commitments (total commitments since inception less terminated commitments) by SIFEM to funds and Financial Institutions.
Outstanding portfolio Portfolio investments classified as measured at either “fair value through profit or loss” (FVTPL), “fair value through other comprehensive income” (FVOCI) or at “amortised cost”. Refer to annual bsuiness and financial report for precise definition.
Total commitments to date The industry in which the underlying investee operates.

Impact data

Our website contains impact information, data and key performance indicators taken from out annual impact reports. They are updated upon publication of the new report.

Regularity of updates

All our annual impact reports are available in our reports section. The last impact report covers the period ending 31 December 2023)

Main definitions

Avoided Greenhouse Gas Emission Refers to the reduction or prevention of the emission of GHG into the atmosphere. It represents the amount of GHG emissions that would have occurred under a certain scenario but were averted due to specific actions or measures. The GHG emissions avoided data is self-reported by Underlying Investees without a standard methodology set across Investees and Underlying Investees, each investee hence chooses its own methodology to compute GHG emissions reduction. GHG emission reduction is not attributed to SIFEM.
Underlying Investees Companies or individuals that receive capital from a fund or a Financial Institution in which SIFEM has invested.
SME Loan A financial product extended to SMEs to support their operational, expansion, or capital requirements.
Jobs supported The total jobs supported fall into two categories:
  • The first is direct jobs supported through investments made by SIFEM and Investee funds (e.g., employees of Underlying Investee companies, fund managers, and Financial Institutions). Direct jobs reported represent the sum of full-time equivalent workers employed by all the companies in the Investment Portfolio and do not consider the size of SIFEM’s investment in each company.
  • The second is an estimate of indirect jobs supported through micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) loans granted by Financial Institutions in the Investment Portfolio. Indirect jobs reported are estimated based on the assumption that each microloan granted by a Financial Institution in the Investment Portfolio supports one job, whereas each SME loan supports 10 jobs. The total number of indirect jobs is weighted by the share of SIFEM’s investment in a Financial Institution.
Investment partners or Investees Funds or Financial Institutions that have received funding from SIFEM.

General data disclaimer

While we have used our reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the data used in this website. The data is not audited and should be read as indicative of magnitude rather than exact figures.

Data is provided to SIFEM by its investment partners, including fund managers that have invested our capital (and the capital of others), and has not been audited or independently verified by SIFEM or any other third party.

We are occasionally unable to disclose information for legal, regulatory or other reasons. We anticipate that these exceptions will be rare.

We are improving our information systems during 2023. Until the end of 2023, the quality of our data may vary and there may be some data gaps.