
About our specific country and sector focus, as well as the exclusions.


In alignment with the Swiss Cooperation Strategy.


Our regional and country focus is based on the following requirements:

Priority Countries:

According to the Strategic Objectives, 60% of the annual investments have to be allocated to priority countries as defined by the Swiss Cooperation Strategy 2021-24 (priority countries of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs).

Other eligible developing and emerging countries:

Countries of the OECD-DAC list, and those with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita below a set threshold as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, part of the World Bank Group, are eligible. For 2024, the maximum GNI is set at USD 7’805 per capita.

Regional or global funds:

For funds with a regional or global strategy, the geographical criteria are fulfilled if at least 50% of the investments are made in priority countries and other eligible countries respectively.


We prioritize investments in sectors vital for economic development, focusing on those with the capacity to generate and sustain significant job opportunities, provide inclusive goods and services, and contribute to climate change mitigation or adaptation. Key sectors include but are not limited to:

  • manufacturing industry
  • transport & storage
  • ICT
  • wholesale and retail trade
  • production of renewable energies and energy efficiency solutions
  • healthcare and education.

Our sector-focused paper on renewable energy underscores the vital developmental significance of this sector.


Activities involving any of the criteria on SIFEM’s Exclusion List or Harmonised EDFI Fossil Fuel Exclusion List are not investable.

Climate-related criteria

Aligned with the Swiss Cooperation Strategy, SIFEM actively fosters inclusive, low-carbon economic growth, and sustainable development in emerging markets. As such, we strategically invest in and mobilise funds for climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts while keeping our primary focus on bolstering economic resilience within developing markets. This translates to two main objectives:

  • Paris Alignment: Since 2023, the minimum condition for all investments are fossil fuel exclusions, assessment of environmental and social risk, and alignment with NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions).
  • Climate Investments: Since 2021, at least 25% of new investments on the portfolio level are dedicated to positive climate outcomes.


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