Swiss Investment Fund
for Emerging Markets

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Energies renouvables
Un investissement du fonds Evolution II Fund
axé sur le secteur Energies renouvables
en Afrique


 | Energies renouvables
 | Afrique
Un investissement du fonds Evolution II Fund
axé sur le secteur Energies renouvables
en Afrique

d.light is a global company selling off-grid solar light and power products to predominantly rural, low-income customers in 70 countries. These products include solar-powered lamps designed to replace kerosene lamps, bringing substantial benefits for health and well-being as well as reductions in carbon emissions. d.light has developed and implemented an innovative pay-as-you-go (PayGo) consumer financing model, which improves access to solar-powered electrical devices by allowing low-income households to pay them off in small instalments. As of October 2019, the company had sold well over 20 million products since its launch in 2008 and was on track to meet its target of improving the lives of an estimated 100 million people by 2020. In 2016, SIFEM invested USD 10 million in Evolution II, a private equity fund focused on investments in clean energy infrastructure and resource efficiency. Evolution II’s investment into d.light in 2018 has enabled the company to expand its PayGo consumer financing model in existing markets of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia and into new markets in Nigeria and Tanzania.


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Dernières nouvelles

La SIFEM investit 15 millions d’USD dans le fonds, ce qui lui permet d’atteindre sa taille cible et de soutenir des projets d’infrastructure et de lutte contre le changement climatique en Colombie et au Pérou.

Dernières nouvelles

La SIFEM investit 15 millions d’USD dans le fonds, ce qui lui permet d’atteindre sa taille cible et de soutenir des projets d’infrastructure et de lutte contre le changement climatique en Colombie et au Pérou.