Swiss Investment Fund
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Services financiers
Un investissement du fonds
axé sur le secteur Services financiers
en Azerbaïdjan


 | Services financiers
 | Azerbaïdjan
Un investissement du fonds
axé sur le secteur Services financiers
en Azerbaïdjan

AccessBank was founded in 2002 to provide access to financial services for Azerbaijan’s micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as to low and middle income households and is currently the leading MSME bank in Azerbaijan. The Bank offers mainly business loan products, though also mortgages, consumer credit, credit cards and normal retail banking services. SIFEM extended a USD 6 million senior loan to AccessBank in 2007, which was fully repaid in 2013, and has approved an additional commitment of USD 10 million in the form of a subordinated loan in 2014.


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Ce rapport exhaustif marque une année historique pour SIFEM, tant en termes de portefeuille que d’organisation.

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Ce rapport exhaustif marque une année historique pour SIFEM, tant en termes de portefeuille que d’organisation.