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Abacus Parenteral Drugs Ltd

Un investissement du fonds
axé sur le secteur Santé
en Ouganda

Abacus Parenteral Drugs Ltd

 | Santé
 | Ouganda
Un investissement du fonds
axé sur le secteur Santé
en Ouganda

Abacus Parenteral Drugs Limited (APDL) is one of the largest sterile injectables pharmaceutical companies in East Africa, with its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Uganda. It produces a range of lifesaving intravenous infusion products as well as eye, ear and nose drops mainly catering to government and private hospitals, aid agencies, and nursing homes. SIFEM invested into APDL via AfricInvest II in 2011.


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Dernières nouvelles

Geoff Burns a atteint la durée maximale de son mandat, Margarita Aleksieva rejoint le conseil d’administration.

Dernières nouvelles

Geoff Burns a atteint la durée maximale de son mandat, Margarita Aleksieva rejoint le conseil d’administration.