Abacus Parenteral Drugs LTD

Abacus Parenteral Drugs LTD: 
a case study about 
in Uganda

Abacus Parenteral Drugs LTD

 | Healthcare
 | Uganda
Abacus Parenteral Drugs LTD: 
a case study about 
in Uganda

Abacus Parenteral Drugs Limited (APDL) is one of the largest sterile injectables pharmaceutical companies in East Africa, with its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located in Uganda. It produces a range of lifesaving intravenous infusion products as well as eye, ear and nose drops mainly catering to government and private hospitals, aid agencies, and nursing homes. SIFEM invested into APDL via AfricInvest II in 2011.


Investment details: 
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With a total commitment of USD 45 million, these investments align with SIFEM’s mission to foster economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development in emerging markets.

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With a total commitment of USD 45 million, these investments align with SIFEM’s mission to foster economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development in emerging markets.