Slim Sun, Swartland Solar Park

Renewable Energy
South Africa
Slim Sun, Swartland Solar Park: 
a case study about 
Renewable Energy 
in South Africa

Slim Sun, Swartland Solar Park

 | Renewable Energy
 | South Africa
Slim Sun, Swartland Solar Park: 
a case study about 
Renewable Energy 
in South Africa

SlimSun has developed and constructed a 5MW solar photovoltaic (PV) park: Swartland Solar Park. The first phase of the project has been completed and commercial operations started in August 2015. The second phase will entail an additional 5MW capacity of solar energy. SIFEM has invested into SlimSun via Evolution One, a private equity fund dedicated to clean and renewable energies in South Africa.


Investment details: 

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With a total commitment of USD 45 million, these investments align with SIFEM’s mission to foster economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development in emerging markets.

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With a total commitment of USD 45 million, these investments align with SIFEM’s mission to foster economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development in emerging markets.